Posted on 25 April 2012 by: Mama
…and I didn’t even read it on a blog!!
As I exclaimed to daddy my brilliant idea how to memorialize Mabel’s art works without having to follow any of the “oh-so-crafty” ideas I seem to read on the internet (photograph each piece to create a book; frame a new piece each week; place them in a binder; stick them in a drawer). Basically, all things I won’t do. I love seeing my artwork that I did as a child, but I actually have more fun seeing who I was when I did it. THUS, my brilliant idea: take a simple photo of Mabel with each of her art creations, then easily, er, dispose of the art work. Or send off in an envelope to grandma/pa and abuelo/a. That works, right?? 🙂
I really do love all of Mabel’s works, but for me, I much more enjoy her concentration and how she holds the pencils, paper, glue, etc. I’ll have to remember to photograph those things…in the meantime, here’s a picture of Mabel’s sheep she made at ECFE. (she used glue on a q‑tip, placed cotton balls, then used a black marker to draw. There WERE little sticky eyes, but Mabel pulled them off to adhere to her OWN eyes. If I hadn’t been driving at the time, I would have snapped a picture!!)
Uncle Greg
May 12th, 2012 at 6:21 am
that’s a good idea- take pictures of her while she does the art- i like that…