The Easter Bunny brought me chocolate!

Ah, yes. Mabel’s phrase she repeat­ed over and over. Five min­utes of egg hunt man­aged to over­ride weeks of teach­ing about the atone­ment, cru­ci­fix­ion and res­ur­rec­tion. Just like her dad­dy <wink>. Actu­al­ly, after each “amen” of a prayer, Mabel now announces, “Jesus is res­ur­rect­ed!” I guess some­thing did sink in. Every once in a while, she also notes that she will be res­ur­rect­ed, and so will mama and dad­dy. <grin>

How­ev­er, the pho­to moments are of her first East­er Egg hunt, in which mama had hid­den lit­tle choco­lates. She was real­ly quite happy.

P.S. You can click on each pho­to to see an enlarged version

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