Mabel vs. Phone

Most morn­ings when Mabel wakes up, she calls for us and we usu­al­ly stum­ble into her room, pick her up, and bring her right back to our bed – most­ly because we’re both in zom­bie-mode at that hour. Any­how, Mabel has dis­cov­ered that both mama and dad­dy are prac­ti­cal­ly dead at this time, so she pounces on dad­dy’s phone (which I typ­i­cal­ly keep next to the bed). 

Though the phone is locked, she can still access the cam­era from the login screen – so every morn­ing I have to go back in and remove 10 or 15 short movies like this one. Oh joy. 

Mabel vs. Phone from David & Rebec­ca on Vimeo.

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