Driving Miss Daisy

Mabel is always ask­ing mama or dad­dy to dri­ve the car. Dad­dy came up with a rule…“when Mabel can reach the ped­als and see out the win­dow, she can dri­ve dad­dy’s car.” I said that to her once, and she has repeat­ed it every since. 

Yes­ter­day we went to the fair with grand­ma and grand­pa, and while there, we saw the cars. Well, she was far from reach­ing the ‘ped­als,’ but boy did she turn that wheel! 

I can hon­est­ly say I can­not remem­ber her ever smil­ing this much in excite­ment before. It was awesome. 

Dri­ving Miss Daisy from David & Rebec­ca on Vimeo.

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