Posted on 21 September 2012 by: Mama
Being Mabel means…
- Going to your dress-up bin when mama tells you to get ready to go to Trader Joes.
- Dressing yourself.
- Getting organic carrots, fruit and chicken when all other kids get Pizza Hut at the Target restaurant.
- Putting on your own shoes to get ready for your first day of Montessori preschool.
- Going for walks with abuelo
- Mama makes you your own “I can do it myself” dressing station.
- Modeling the new swimsuit that Abuela brought you.
- Making funny faces when mama asks you to smile.
- Hugging the flowers.
- Kissing the flowers.
- Helping mama make a salad.
- Letting mama nap while playing with daddy. While daddy naps.
Uncle Greg
September 23rd, 2012 at 8:46 pm
it looks like she’s having too much fun! we love you Mabley-poo!