Does mama love you?

Poor Mabel has­n’t been sleep­ing so well late­ly, and has in turn had a few impul­sive mis­di­rec­tions. When gen­tly being guid­ed back to the task at hand, she will often ask “does mama love you?” It has called me to the atten­tion what a sweet spir­it she is and her imme­di­ate recog­ni­tion that she has made a mis­take. To real­ize her need to feel loved at these times helps me to real­ize as a par­ent that she is very, very aware of her emo­tion­al surroundings.

On anoth­er note…we went to the cir­cus today. Dad­dy should be post­ing pho­tos, soon. 🙂

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