Hospital Visit

As you may or may not know, Mabel had a small pro­ce­dure at the hos­pi­tal that required her to be put under gen­er­al anes­the­sia. For­tu­nate­ly every­thing turned out extreme­ly well, includ­ing this video of her walk­ing around the hos­pi­tal telling every­one she saw on the halls (includ­ing the full-size poster of a man wav­ing) that she was head­ed to the restau­rant (hos­pi­tal cafe­te­ria). Mind you, this is only about an hour after wak­ing up from her anesthesia.

(The bag is full of gloves, syringes, face masks, and pret­ty much any­thing else the nurs­es could find for her). 

PS> Thank you for your thoughts and prayers through­out the day. As you can see, she’d doing great. 

One Comment

  • Uncle Greg
    December 10th, 2012 at 12:05 pm

    that’s awe­some. a bag of syringes? they sound more easy going than our hos­pi­tal is… 🙂