Archive for January, 2013

Mama did­n’t real­ly cry, but I do miss her. It’s much hard­er than I had thought, but I have such a peace­ful feel­ing which is for­tu­nate­ly so much stronger! 🙂 But, away she is. After Mama hemmed her uni­form (2 1/2 inch­es) so she could at least wear it, she ran to show Dad­dy how she looked. The pic­tures rep­re­sent her moments with dad­dy before leav­ing for her first day of school. 

I’ve already peeked at her and she was wear­ing the neck­hole of her apron around her waist. HA. I’m sure her Direc­tress helped her soon. A par­ent who was leav­ing told me that Mabel had put a stick­er on her fin­ger and announced it was a band-aid. Yes, that’s my daughter. 

She will do won­der­ful­ly in her new preschool, and I am so excit­ed to see how she grows. Even though I miss her. 



[jour­nal note] It was such a mirac­u­lous bless­ing for us to have found this. Mabel gets to attend Hand-in-Hand Chris­t­ian Montes­sori. We began with the Fam­i­ly Preschool on Wednes­day of each week, which Mama and Mabel get to attend togeth­er, with some sep­a­ra­tion time for her to do her work. As she will be 3 on Sun­day, she is of age to go to the Chil­dren’s House, which is 2 or 3 days a week. No mat­ter how much I want­ed to reg­is­ter her, it just nev­er felt right (which was hard for me). And then, as a mir­a­cle ensues, I received an email from the Direc­tor that Mabel could attend one of the days (Fri­days) and not the oth­er, as a split-tuition with anoth­er child who is attend­ing only on Thurs­day. It was such a bless­ing and I’m so grate­ful for it. And, here we are!

It’s been a while since I’ve made a note here for Mabel. Unfortunately,the old adage that the best cam­era you own is the one with you has come true. My phone has been out of com­mis­sion of a month now, so every pho­to I *have* tak­en has been erased each time. *sigh* Although, I have a vague mem­o­ry of tak­ing some with my point-and-shoot…I’ll have to upload those and see what I have! In the mean­time, here have been some fun moments this last month. The last month of my two year old. Wah!

Daddy presiding at FHE

Dad­dy pre­sid­ing at FHE

I found my tights!

I found my tights!

a BYU icon, apparently, found at Auntie Becky's house

a BYU icon, appar­ent­ly, found at Aun­tie Beck­y’s house

"David, can you watch Mabel for a few minutes?" Ten seconds later, "Mama, I found your make-up!"

David, can you watch Mabel for a few min­utes?” Ten sec­onds lat­er, “Mama, I found your make-up!”

Dressing up and reading books

Dress­ing up and read­ing books