Archive for November, 2013

Hap­py Thanks­giv­ing everyone! 

Today, we drove down to Moun­tain View, CA for a Thanks­giv­ing din­ner at Uncle Greg’s and Aunt Mindy’s house. We had a great time stuff­ing our faces with all kinds of deli­cious food and then feel­ing sor­ry for our­selves because we could­n’t walk any­more. But I think it is fair to say that there was nobody there who had a bet­ter time than Mabel did. I’ll let you judge for yourselves: 

Fly­ing Monkeys

Shake It Like a Polaroid!

I know this is late, but I want to make sure we made a post about this year’s Hal­loween adven­tures. This year was the first year that Mabel had an opin­ion on what she would like to be for Hal­loween. She was very spe­cif­ic and adamant that she want­ed to be a scor­pi­on. Yes…a scor­pi­on. Rebec­ca and I were won­der­ing how we would pull this off, but luck­i­ly, they went to the store and found a “Won­der Woman” cos­tume instead. Mabel put it on, and her alter-ego took over. 

In the pho­tos, she is mak­ing faces and pos­ing as Won­der Woman. The fun­ni­est thing, how­ev­er, is that we did­n’t coach her on how Won­der Woman should pose or what faces to make. It’s even fun­nier when you real­ize Mabel has no clue who Won­der Woman is – this is all her own doing.