Posted on 4 January 2014 by: Daddy
Christmas 2013
- Santa ain’t got nuthin’ on me
- Just chillin’ with the big man
- My first carousel at Pier 39
- Our awesome Christmas bush
- Making cookies with mama and my princess crown
- This is my other princess hat
- Pretty lights at Union Square
- Chatting with my new friends at our preschool’s Christmas program
- My new Christmas dress. I look spiffy.
- Matching shoes with mama
- Gluten-free cookies and milk for Santa
- This is how I write “mama”
- Check out my awesome outfit — all picked out by me.
Aunt Stephanie
January 25th, 2014 at 9:41 pm
Becca, your mouth chewing in this video looks *just* like mom!! Hahahaha!
Aunt Stephanie
January 25th, 2014 at 9:45 pm
“That was so kind of me, huh?” Ha ha. And I love her little dress on her.