Posted on 20 January 2014 by: Mama
Happy 4th Birthday
I really can’t believe she’s 4. Like, hyperventilating that she’s four years old. I’ve decided that when people say it goes fast, it’s really after age 2. Because those first two years were really hard for me…
Dear Mabel:
- You’re happy. Really, truly the pure definition of happy.
- You love people. Anyone, any color, any size, any age. You want to talk to them.
- You are precocious. I’d never heard that word in my life before your existence, but I’ve completely lost track as to how many strangers or other first-time-meetings bring out that word.
- You just want to be with mama. If we go somewhere, you just ask to be at home, with mama. To play at home.
- You have amazing manners. You are very in-control of your emotions and using words to express exactly what you need and how.
- You have amazing self-discipline. I am amazed.
- I want nothing more than to enroll you in Montessori school, but I can’t give it to you [right now] and it destroys me inside. I can’t wait until I get to look back and truly understand the Lord’s reasons for these things.
- You are loved. By mama and daddy, but by so many strangers as well. You truly have a gift.
- You are special. You have a purpose in this life that is greater than I can know, but I feel it. And I hope I can honor you by preparing you for it.
- Painting with watercolor
- Gathering art into her bed
- Cleaning her room before bedtime
- Meeting Ginger at daddy’s office
- Making her gluten-free, vegan cupcakes (baked inside of GF, vegan cupcake cones), with vegan ice cream cones. Yummy! 😉
- Fashionista!
Tia Liza
January 26th, 2014 at 11:28 pm
Mabelita, eres tan especial. Feliz cumpleaños !!
Te deseamos, tu fam. Desde Honduras.
We hope someday we can share And play together with your cousins together.