Archive for March, 2014

Mama found a lit­tle dance stu­dio so Mabel is learn­ing how to tap dance and how to twirl like a bal­le­ri­na. She loooooves it. Not only that, but she packs a dif­fer­ent “out­fit” for tap dance and one for bal­let. I say “out­fit” because it’s usu­al­ly a head­band or a bracelet that she changes when she changes from her tap shoes to her bal­let shoes and vice ver­sa. She tru­ly has the grace of a Molanphy!

Ever since mov­ing to San Fran­cis­co, our lives have become insane­ly busy. While Rebec­ca and I are still try­ing to find bal­ance here, Mabel has embraced and con­quered the city. At least, it seems that way. She teach­es us so much about find­ing joy in every­thing we do. That said, here are some pho­tos I’ve been mean­ing to post but have fall­en way behind on.

Dear­est Mabel-

You always man­age to know what I’m think­ing about, and share YOUR thoughts. How else could this be? Clear­ly, your spir­it is very aware of things, and per­haps you are just more in-tune than Dad­dy or I. We don’t know what we’ll do next, or where, but we are decid­ing. While chat­ting with dad­dy (via texts) all day about yards, hous­es, long com­mutes, etc, you walk up ran­dom­ly and announce, “Our house doesn’t have a yard, huh? It only has a deck. I think we should have a house with a yard and gar­den. And bees and flow­ers, and ladybugs.”

What do I say to that? You’re too young to under­stand? Sigh, my lit­tle dar­ling. You know what YOU need. So much for par­ents think­ing they know best…