Archive for June, 2014

We had a pret­ty good week­end with Mabel. We spent all day Sat­ur­day run­ning around the city look­ing for an apart­ment, and while that was­n’t par­tic­u­lar­ly fun, tak­ing Mabel to a café was. She snarfed a yogurt par­fait that was lit­er­al­ly big­ger than her head – and loved every minute of it. It was fun to fol­low her around and watch her inter­act with peo­ple. Mabel tru­ly knows no strangers – every­one is her friend.

Yes, I am shoving this in my face. Jealous much?

Yes, I am shov­ing this in my face. Jeal­ous much?

Today (Sun­day) was equal­ly fun. We went for a short walk this after­noon (it was too cold for a long one) and after play­ing hide/seek and chas­ing each oth­er up and down the hill next to our home, it was time to water her plants. She care­ful­ly and lov­ing­ly gave each of them some water while mama sat behind her laugh­ing at Mabel’s unfor­tu­nate crack – which mama claims she inher­it­ed straight from her daddy.

And here's some water for you, and you, and you...

And here’s some water for you, and you, and you…

Mama laughing at Mabel's lack of bum to hold her pants up.

Mama laugh­ing at Mabel’s lack of bum to hold her pants up.

Also, it’s impor­tant to note the plate of rocks, twigs, leaves and food next to the plants. That is Mabel’s “habi­tat” which she cre­at­ed for all her insect friends. (Told ya, she knows no strangers.)

Mama’s favorite day of the year has always been when the pri­ma­ry chil­dren sing. They make me so hap­py with their sweet hap­pi­ness. I prob­a­bly cried all through Mabel’s first pri­ma­ry presentation. 🙂

We had a fun Father’s Day, spoil­ing Dad­dy from wake-up time to bed­time. He got new socks, choco­lates, break­fast, a room full of bal­loons, FHE all about how awe­some dad­dies are, a car wash coupon, spe­cial draw­ings from Mabel, an iTunes gift card, a bracelet, a ring, among lots of hugs and kisses. 😉

David’s favorite gifts were the Father’s Day Pri­ma­ry pre­sen­ta­tion and her descrip­tion of why she loves her daddy.

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Just out and about with mama and mak­ing sure the waves keep their distance. 

Mabel At Crissy Field from David & Rebec­ca on Vimeo.

Okay, tech­ni­cal­ly it was the dress rehearsal, but the actu­al per­for­mance is on our Sab­bath Day, so we made this the “offi­cial” cel­e­bra­tion. Uncle Greg and Aunt Melin­da were kind enough to come and watch with their kids, as well. Despite the sound sys­tem fail­ures, Mabel loved it and has been wear­ing her leo­tard ever since!

I’m Late, I’m Late!

April Show­ers