Snarfing Watermelon at Whole Foods

The Cal­i­for­nia Street has a mega Whole Foods, with the bot­tom-lev­el ded­i­cat­ed to park­ing and a cafe. After Mabel pulled the wag­on (a bas­ket with a long han­dle) and did all our shop­ping (I have arrived!!), loaded it all onto the con­vey­or belt, had a love­ly chat with the cashier (only fail: I still paid), she want­ed a treat at the cafe on the way out. She was hap­pi­er with her giant chunk of water­mel­on than any kid with a cook­ie. In true Mabel-fash­ion, she ser­e­nad­ed every­one at the cafe with a song about how much she loved her water­mel­on, while sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly gorg­ing it. Thank­ful­ly she’s cute, and every­one kept smil­ing and walk­ing by telling me awe­some she was. It can get ugly at the Whole Foods when you bring you kid along…



One Comment

  • Grandma
    August 14th, 2014 at 7:45 am

    These pic­tures need to be entered into a pho­to contest.