Posted on 7 August 2014 by: Mama
Snarfing Watermelon at Whole Foods
The California Street has a mega Whole Foods, with the bottom-level dedicated to parking and a cafe. After Mabel pulled the wagon (a basket with a long handle) and did all our shopping (I have arrived!!), loaded it all onto the conveyor belt, had a lovely chat with the cashier (only fail: I still paid), she wanted a treat at the cafe on the way out. She was happier with her giant chunk of watermelon than any kid with a cookie. In true Mabel-fashion, she serenaded everyone at the cafe with a song about how much she loved her watermelon, while systematically gorging it. Thankfully she’s cute, and everyone kept smiling and walking by telling me awesome she was. It can get ugly at the Whole Foods when you bring you kid along…
August 14th, 2014 at 7:45 am
These pictures need to be entered into a photo contest.