Just call me “momu”


I teared up today when Mabel brought me one of her por­traits. She’s been doing this, of course, for near­ly 2 1/2 years. She’s always loved to draw, espe­cial­ly peo­ple. Recent­ly, she dis­cov­ered envelopes and scotch tape…easy to see where this is going. She’s been writ­ing names with our help for a long time, and mail­ing address­es to grand­ma and grand­pa, etc. But, today…TODAY! She wrote a name all by her­self, and it was RIGHT. She wrote “momu.” Which, *obvi­ous­ly* is “mama.”

We taught Mabel to learn her sounds pho­net­i­cal­ly. So, to Mabel, it is m (mon­ster), o (octo­pus), m (mon­ster), u (umbrel­la). Pho­net­i­cal­ly? She wrote mama. I’ve nev­er been so hap­py. And I’ve offi­cial­ly changed my name. Only in writ­ing terms, of course. Because, really…the spelling of “mama” real­ly does­n’t make any sense. It took a 4 year old to prove that “momu” makes pho­net­ic sense.

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