Mabel’s Montessori co-op

In June, we got notice that LeP­ort would­n’t be able to open until Jan­u­ary. I was com­plete­ly dev­as­tat­ed, as I had been liv­ing in SF for a full-year now, wait­ing for a real Montes­sori school to show-up. We were able to score a home (to rent) that had enough space to offer an entire room to six of the chil­dren. LeP­ort pro­vid­ed the mate­ri­als (well, most of them…) and the Guide, to teach. Though I don’t love this home nor neigh­bor­hood, the mem­o­ries being cre­at­ed here are priceless.

Note: her hair in two braids with orange ribbon…her dad­dy did the braids AND rib­bon-tying. She was so proud. 🙂 Also, she’s in a “dress” phase, and wears some dress/skirt with tights daily.

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