Er, that’s probably the wrong subject since I’m not actually here to post the actual festivities. Just a note that I actually *did* do something for her birthday. I was feeling badly that I didn’t make some awesome cake, like Aunt Stephanie would have (bus cake, shark, “Grant” cake, etc, etc.) or have some super-cool soccer-fest like Aunt Melinda. And if Uncle Steve were in charge? It’d be “Skate the Golden Gate” (a party I’ve tried to convince David to throw for me…no luck). I’ve seen Tia Liza’s pictures, and she goes all out, too!! But me? I go for the park and playground. A fenced one, at that, so the kids can run wild, require zero supervision by me, and let the parents hang-out and eat. Oh, yah, it’s family-style, so I don’t have to worry about watching other’s kids. 😉
So, here’s the invitations (I’m including last year’s, for a momento sake). Consider yourself invited. Wish all our loved ones could be here, too!!