Birthday Celebrations

Er, that’s prob­a­bly the wrong sub­ject since I’m not actu­al­ly here to post the actu­al fes­tiv­i­ties. Just a note that I actu­al­ly *did* do some­thing for her birth­day. I was feel­ing bad­ly that I did­n’t make some awe­some cake, like Aunt Stephanie would have (bus cake, shark, “Grant” cake, etc, etc.) or have some super-cool soc­cer-fest like Aunt Melin­da. And if Uncle Steve were in charge? It’d be “Skate the Gold­en Gate” (a par­ty I’ve tried to con­vince David to throw for me…no luck). I’ve seen Tia Liza­’s pic­tures, and she goes all out, too!! But me? I go for the park and play­ground. A fenced one, at that, so the kids can run wild, require zero super­vi­sion by me, and let the par­ents hang-out and eat. Oh, yah, it’s fam­i­ly-style, so I don’t have to wor­ry about watch­ing oth­er’s kids. 😉

So, here’s the invi­ta­tions (I’m includ­ing last year’s, for a momen­to sake). Con­sid­er your­self invit­ed. Wish all our loved ones could be here, too!!

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