Archive for September, 2015

Our church had a tal­ent show for the pri­ma­ry kids and Mabel took some of her Lego cre­ations to share with every­one. The video is not that great, but rest assured, she was immense­ly proud of her creations. 

I usu­al­ly drop off Mabel at school most morn­ings. One day she start­ed singing and I thought I’d record it, so I asked her to sing it again. She did, but not with­out telling me to pay atten­tion this time. 

A series of images in no par­tic­u­lar order. 

Fairy princess­es run on choco­late-cov­ered marsh­mal­lows. (So does Daddy.) 

She loves wash­ing dish­es. (This is in our old apart­ment at Noe Val­ley in Nov. 2013)