Earlier this year, after watching the original Star Wars trilogy, Mabel announced that she wanted to be Darth Vader for Halloween, and that mama and daddy would be her soldiers (aka storm troopers). We laughed it off, thinking that by the time Halloween rolled around, she would’ve found something else to pique her interest. Well, we grossly underestimated the power of the dark side, because not only was she Darth Vader for Halloween, but she also went trick-or-treating to the sound of The Imperial March set to repeat. To top it off, mama added Tie fighter wings to her ride and viola! A new Sith lord was born. I give you…Darth Mabel.
- Darth Mabel is born.
- The little Sith lord walking to the church Halloween party.
- Darth Mabel doing the “choke hold” as she sits in her Tie fighter.
- She was in full character!
- Impressive. Most impressive.