Feliz Navidad!

Today was Mabel’s school Christ­mas pro­gram and it was down­right fun. She’s been singing these songs (loud­ly) at home for the past cou­ple of weeks. Now I final­ly under­stand why (this was all a sur­prise for the parents). 


  • Tia Liza
    December 19th, 2015 at 5:09 am

    Qué lin­da Mabel!!! Cuan­to me ale­gra que esté apren­di­en­do español!! Esta div­ina!! Feliz Navi­dad Mabel!te quer­e­mos mucho!

  • Aunt Stephanie
    January 5th, 2016 at 9:28 am

    That was so cute I almost cried! Also, I could nev­er teach preschool. Bien Hecho, Mabel!