Posted on 17 January 2017 by: Mama
Seventh Birthday Party!!
“Seven” is a HUGE number to me. HUGE. It makes me feel like she is so old, and that my “little girl” is just gone … In talking to a friend, I realized that two major events happened when I was 7 that have stuck with me. 1. We moved from Tucker, GA to West Lafayette, IN … and two, I “stopped” sucking my thumb (possibly simultaneously). “Stopped” meaning it was more like this: bandaids, and foul-tasting flavor painted on my thumb. This may have also coincided with the time my “blankie” disappeared…I guess that’s three main events. Wow. I wonder what Mabel’s memories will be?? Hopefully this party …
Today was an epic party (3 1/2 hours of play!). The kind that only children can plan and enjoy. There were balloons, streamers, decorations to behold, but most importantly: kids in-charge of their own play! Mabel even had her first art show!
I purchased face paint (the Halloween kind), and they decorate themselves. They played legos, dollies, dress-up clothes, pretended they were all kitty-cats, and so much more. Oh, yes, we unrolled large sheets of paper and they traced themselves and drew themselves in. Several times I heard, “this is so much fun!” It was great to see the kids so utterly happy to just be able to play freely!
- they’re all run-away cats
- yummy!!
- Cake!!
- “after”
- Decor!
- I made a cake!! Raspberry sorbet with white and brown choc chips; white cake; green frosting
- before
- Esme, Mika, Mabel, Vivi, Brooklyn and Vivian
- Awesome dress-up
- Mabel, Vivian and Brooklyn. So happy.
- aftermath of children doing their own make-up 🙂
- Grace, Vivian, Brooklyn, Vivi, Mabel and Mika
- Brooklyn, Vivi, Mabel and Mika
- Mabel made the labels (and matching drawings) for her Brunch Buffet
- Brooklyn tracing Mabel
- Striped kitty-cat legs
- pure joy!!
- Modeling her tracing/drawing
- All children coloring themselves, after having another friend trace them
- The “Ort Butk” [i.e. The Art Boutique] at which Mabel sold her artwork at her party (of course, she provided the money for the friends, as well)
- Grace, Vivian, Brooklyn
- Fun and Mischief: Mabel, Brooklyn, Grace, Mika
- Look, I’m a striped kitty-cat! (self-done make-up)
- Look — we actually decorated!
- Vivi riding on a Unicorn, er, Mabel in a Unicorn costume
Tia Helga
January 17th, 2017 at 2:54 pm
It’s so great to see posts again! She seems like she’s having so much fun!!!