Archive for September, 2018

When­ev­er I final­ly log-into here, I regret that I don’t post more often! Nor do I have a pho­to from “twelve some­thing” when this happened –

Last night, Mabel stood next to me while I slum­bered and half-yelled, “mama, I need you!” in the same tone she’s been using since she was two years old, and I taught her thet phrase, so she would­n’t stay awake all through nap time in a poopy dia­per [rather, I help her and the she would go to sleep.**] I heard it at least once before I could force my eyes open. I asked what she need­ed and she said she was hav­ing a hard time sleep­ing, so I invit­ed her next to me, and we cud­dled while I rubbed her bel­ly. I shared that when I have a hard time sleep­ing, it’s because I have stuck thoughts in my head, and invit­ed her to share. She thought for a bit, then told me about a non-scary dream that would­n’t stop play­ing in her head. I had her say out loud, ” …… isn’t real. Please stop telling me about it. I am done think­ing about it.” because some­times, our cog­ni­tive brain needs to hear us say it out loud, rather than an inter­nal voice. It worked. As I car­ried her to her bed and thought, “when did she get so tall, that her head reach­es mine?” I heard her say, “I’m sor­ry that I woke you up at twelve some­thing in the night.” My reply, “that’s what mamas are for.” After a brief pause, she bowed her head so she could snug­gle to my shoul­der and firm­ly stat­ed “I like that rule.” 

**which reminds me. I once called her pedi­a­tri­cian and asked how to change her BM sched­ule so it would­n’t hap­pen dur­ing nap time. I still remem­ber the tone of his voice … he was so impressed that I would con­sid­er how to do that and simul­ta­ne­ous­ly dis­ap­point­ed that he did­n’t know the answer!