Mabel writes a lot. Poems, letters to friends, comic books, thank you cards. She likes to write. However, what makes me the happiest is her heart behind the letters. And that it got us a new apartment! After we saw an apartment we really liked, she decided to write the owner a letter, in hopes that he would choose us to rent it to. It worked. 🙂
Next, we received news that my Uncle Dale had passed away. This is Mabel’s grandpa’s nearest brother in age and friendship as a child. Mabel and I had gone to visit Uncle Dale a few weeks ago, when we learned about his cancer diagnosis which said he wouldn’t live too much longer. Mabel asked him a lot of questions about him and her grandpa, and all the things they did together. It was a fun trip and I’m glad we took it. Upon hearing the news about her great Uncle, she immediately wrote a note to her Great Aunt Linda (Uncle Dale’s wife) and her grandpa.