Mabel’s creativity is always inspiring to me. I have been playing Legos with her since she was a baby, and watching how differently she thinks about how to put together bricks is a fun window into how she thinks. This is never more readily visible than when she sets up her Lego towns. They’re super detailed and very thoughtfully created! Here, she’s walking me through every last detail—down to the Lego people’s expressions—of her last Lego town.
Archive for June, 2019
This kid loves the beach! Well, in reality, she loves anything where she can jump in and get dirty, so beach qualifies. Here, she convinced daddy to roll up his jeans and get in the freezing cold Pacific Ocean. As I filmed this, I couldn’t help but contemplate just how big she is, and how I wish time would slow down.
I don’t have specifics on how old she is here, but I’m guessing around 1.5, possibly 2. (Rebecca will know.) This video is one of our lost treasures that pop up here and there on old phones and such. Mabel still has this storytelling knack today. Fun times!