While the cat’s away…

David and I are at the doc­tor, while Mabel is with my dear friend, Becky “Aun­tie Becky”. Becky has sent me a few text updates along the way…

  • She is graz­ing and chat­ting up a storm with me!
  • She is an angel…in gideons [her 9 year old son] star wars action fig­ures she found jesus, mama mia, and a don­key! Love!!! Best manger scene ever!
  • Just called luke sky­walk­er “nephi!!” And vad­er “amaz­ing!”

When we got there to pick her up, she was super hap­py and excit­ed. Appar­ent­ly, it was Jar-Jar Binks who Mabel thought was a donkey…anyone dis­agree? HAHAHAH.

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