Favorite Mabel moments

It’s been a fun week with Mabel…as usu­al, I sup­pose. A few fun­ny things have hap­pened that I want to record:

Mabel decid­ed to shove play-dough up her nose. I han­dled it qui­et­ly and with­out frus­tra­tion, but I was amazed how much she could fit up her tiny nose! It took a com­bi­na­tion of tweez­ers and an aspi­ra­tor to clear it. The next day, she shoved it in her ear. I’m afraid what’s next…

While tex­ting the sto­ry to my friend Becky (“Aun­tie Becky”), appar­ent­ly my fin­gers were typ­ing quite rapid­ly, as Mabel announced, “mama’s fin­gers are dancing!”

Today at swim lessons, Mabel’s for­mer teacher, teacher Ang­ie, had on a blue rash shirt rather than the red one she wore for all of Mabel’s lessons. Mabel of course noticed, then announced it. And then dur­ing night­time prayers, prayed for teacher Ang­ie’s shirt.

I am amazed at her mem­o­ry and I love her descrip­tions of things.

Odor­ant = deodor­ant (dad­dy’s)
Gra­nola = umbrella
Straw­baber­ries = strawberries
Bamoon­amoon = ballooon


She can­not pro­nounce “r” nor “l”, which makes some words extreme­ly dif­fi­cult to under­stand. Such as “roll,” which is her term for dad­dy to wres­tle with her. You nev­er real­ize how many words in the Eng­lish lan­guage have both these let­ters until your 2‑year old is repeat­ing an unknown word repeat­ed­ly while you stare won­der­ing what in the world she is try­ing to say! For­tu­nate­ly, she is patient with me. 🙂


  • Grandma
    June 15th, 2012 at 7:52 am

    I love a “few of my favorite things” from Mabel.

  • Uncle Greg
    June 17th, 2012 at 9:22 pm

    that’s great- what a cutie Mab­ley­poo is. Don’t wor­ry about the R’s & L’s Mabel– they are over­rat­ed. Just ask any Japanese-speaker!