Mabel’s music…

We’ve post­ed a few sound clips and videos in the past of Mabel singing her songs, but until recent­ly, I did­n’t real­ize just how much she enjoys express­ing her­self through songs. Now, when­ev­er she is awake when dad­dy gets home from work, she busts out in full cho­rus, “I’m so glad when Dad­dy comes home!” (the LDS pri­ma­ry song). Of course, David’s but­tons are bust­ing, he’s just so proud! 

Ear­li­er this week, we did a lit­tle Face­Time, and as soon as she saw him, she made up her *own* lyrics and tune to sign a song about how much she loved her dad­dy. As the week pro­gressed, she sang a song about her quinoa (hot break­fast cere­al) and her chipati (Indi­an-style tor­tillas). It’s just so fun­ny to see her wheels turn­ing as she shares her thoughts in words. 

I think my favorite, thus far, was this afternoon…her dol­lies (“pink dol­lie” and “pur­ple dol­lie”) have seen bet­ter days, and they are rather drool-stained. I ordered some basic, sol­id-col­ored fab­ric (pink and pur­ple, of course) to sew “new paja­mas.” She kept announc­ing all week to any­one who would lis­ten that mama was sewing new paja­mas. Today, as I fin­ished her pink dol­lie and hand­ed it to her, she wrapped her arms around her and began singing “Fam­i­lies can be Togeth­er For­ev­er!” To me, it rep­re­sent­ed how much she loves her dol­lies and how much she appre­ci­at­ed my effort to keep her dol­lies pret­ty. It real­ly warmed my heart.

On that note…for two Sun­days in a row, Mabel has sung “Fam­i­lies Can be Togeth­er For­ev­er!” in the mid­dle of some­one’s talk at church. HAH. It’s always as a result of look­ing at pic­tures in her nurs­ery manual…whenever she sees a pic­ture of a fam­i­ly, it’s what she sings. She real­ly has such a ten­der heart.

One Comment

  • Aunt Melinda
    November 4th, 2012 at 7:32 pm

    Mabel has such great par­ents. Lucky girl!! Cute cute Mabel.