Oh, To Be Three Again

This week­end has been par­tic­u­lar­ly crazy for us. In our insane quest to move to San Fran­cis­co next month, we have start­ed sell­ing some of our fur­ni­ture, includ­ing the sofa set we got when we first moved to Min­neapo­lis. It is dif­fi­cult to know how all of this change and “uncer­tain­ty” will affect Mabel’s behav­ior (she was a bit con­fused about why we were shar­ing our sofa with our friends) – so in an attempt to give her some com­fort, I decid­ed to give her a lit­tle home of her own. She seems to like it, as she has pro­ceed­ed to put many of her more impor­tant toys in it. Oh that we could be three again and be per­fect­ly con­tent liv­ing in card­board box­es with our most prized pos­ses­sions at our sides.

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