Dear Mabel, I love you

Dear Mabel–

I’m sad it’s been so long since I’ve post­ed. You see? I’m busy. And I don’t want to be so busy, but I am. I hope it makes sense to all of us, some­day, why I am. I’m try­ing to fin­ish my col­lege degree…it will have tak­en me 18 years. Wow. I also do a lit­tle part-time job, to earn mon­ey to buy things so I can home­school you. When we men­tion school, you say that you don’t like the part about say­ing good-bye to Mama, it makes you sad. So, you’re here with me. Right now, you’re play­ing with your mag­net­ic dol­lies, that Grand­ma bought you. You’re so hap­py. You just fin­ished glu­ing togeth­er some papers, then cleaned it all up by your­self. Some­times you wan­der to me, while I’m on the com­put­er, and ask me to read you a book. Some­times you just want to sit on my lap. I look at pho­tos of when you were a baby, and I miss those days. Like I’ll miss these days. Dad­dy and Mama want to give you a sib­ling, but it’s not our choice, real­ly. We wish it were. We’re so glad you’re hap­py. We’re so glad you’re here with us. Dear Mabel, I love you.

eter­nal­ly your mama

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