Mabel was a Flower Girl in a wedding…


I got an expect­ed text mes­sage last Sat­ur­day morn­ing at 7:30am, ask­ing if Mabel would be inter­est­ed in being a flower girl. To quote my cousin, RJay, “is a 50 lb chick­en heavy?” I asked the wed­ding col­ors, and I hap­pened to have this fab­ric (orange and white). There were going to be African dancers, so I threw on the “chee­tah shoes” for good mea­sure. This pho­to is her “tri­al run,” as I was in the lob­by dur­ing the real deal (mak­ing sure she did­n’t freeze up!). She was a hit, of course, and the flow­ers matched the shades of orange on her dress perfectly. 🙂

One Comment

  • Uncle Greg
    August 15th, 2014 at 11:24 am

    cut dress–that’s awesome!