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A short video of Mabel and her “pig­gies” (pig­tails) show­ing us how to do jump­ing jacks.

The mag­ic behind the scenes. 🙂 

Was lis­ten­ing to music on my com­put­er and stum­bled across this audio record­ing of Mabel try­ing to under­stand thun­der for the first time. The con­ver­sa­tion quick­ly evolved to cook­ies (as all con­ver­sa­tions worth hav­ing should). I love hav­ing these con­ver­sa­tions with her – they’re so reveal­ing of how she thinks and con­nects things in her mind. 

(Record­ed on Nov. 2012)

Mabel’s bee had an “owie” today, so the only log­i­cal thing to do is to car­ry it like a baby and then ride on it again. 

Mabel has a won­der­ful sense of style…or some­thing. It’s real­ly fun to watch her pick out her out­fit for the day. Her is today’s pick. 

Her ‘base­ball’ shoes are my favorite