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As you may or may not know, Mabel had a small pro­ce­dure at the hos­pi­tal that required her to be put under gen­er­al anes­the­sia. For­tu­nate­ly every­thing turned out extreme­ly well, includ­ing this video of her walk­ing around the hos­pi­tal telling every­one she saw on the halls (includ­ing the full-size poster of a man wav­ing) that she was head­ed to the restau­rant (hos­pi­tal cafe­te­ria). Mind you, this is only about an hour after wak­ing up from her anesthesia.

(The bag is full of gloves, syringes, face masks, and pret­ty much any­thing else the nurs­es could find for her). 

PS> Thank you for your thoughts and prayers through­out the day. As you can see, she’d doing great. 

We recent­ly went to a small event for Mabel’s “school” where she got to build her very first gin­ger­bread house. The expe­ri­ence was pret­ty unevent­ful until the pho­tos reveal where the can­dy stash was being stored. 

(Note the inno­cent sneak hap­pen­ing with the right hand)

(Click on pho­tos for larg­er evidence)

I real­ized I have sev­er­al pho­tos of moments we have cap­tured with Mabel which have not been post­ed yet, so in an attempt to catch up a lit­tle, here they are: 

Mabel has an incred­i­bly vivid and active imag­i­na­tion, so she will often sur­prise us with her fun­ny inter­ac­tions with toys. Her newest friend, Rody, is cur­rent­ly on loan from one of Rebec­ca­’s friends. Mama fig­ured that she would like to ‘test it out’ to see if Mabel would like the boun­cy horse. Well…you tell us. 

A New Friend from David & Rebec­ca on Vimeo.

Mabel loves to help — no mat­ter what it is. When­ev­er mama or dad­dy are clean­ing the house (yes, we clean the house some­times), Mabel will imme­di­ate­ly stop what­ev­er she’s doing, grab her Mabel-sized broom and pro­ceed to sweep our neat­ly gath­ered piles of dirt into oblivion.

I can ful­ly attribute Mabel’s inde­pen­dence and eager­ness to help to her mama. Here is a short video to show you what I mean: