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Mabel loves to swim.

Obvi­ous­ly I haven’t done a great job of teach­ing my lit­tle grin­gui­ta any Español. I espe­cial­ly like the “fat chance old man” look that she gives me when I announce that we’re going to prac­tice Español. Sigh. 

We took Mabel to a free con­cert at the local music school last week end. Before the con­cert, the kids got to play around with the var­i­ous instru­ments. She was par­tic­u­lar­ly intrigued by the mara­cas and the accordion. 

But I think my biggest take-away from the expe­ri­ence is that she’s a tiny lit­tle runt, she dances with her hands, and she loves a good ‘rela­ji­to.’

Dad­dy would have failed this test so mis­er­ably. We’ll have to try Mabel on this some­day and see how she does. 

Yes…that’s a dia­per on her head. ‘Nuff said.