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Mabel loves try­ing on mama’s shoes – or any­one’s shoes for that matter. 

Mabel show­ing off her Lati­na her­itage with a lit­tle dancing…or hopping…or, well…you tell us what this is. Not entire­ly sure.

Mabel loves songs and sto­ries, and she gets plen­ty of both at her week­ly out­ing with mama at ECFE (Ear­ly Child­hood and Fam­i­ly Edu­ca­tion). That’s where she learned this one. 

Mama and Mabel have been busy bak­ing in the kitchen late­ly and Mabel has even been invit­ing her friends. In this pic­ture, she’s show­ing off her cam­ou­flag­ing abilities…with flour. 


Mabel is enter­ing the dress-up and pre­tend stage. Things are about to get inter­est­ing. Again. 
