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Mabel loves pulling up her lit­tle wood­en tow­er next to mama in the kitchen and help make din­ner, or snack, or just keeps mama com­pa­ny. It’s real­ly quite sweet. 

(added by Mama–in the begin­ning, while hand­ing dad­dy some dough, she is say­ing “eat it, dad­dy! eat it, daddy!”)

Mabel has adopt­ed a new ‘phone,’ which hap­pens to be the remote con­trol to our mini-stereo. She uses it to ‘call’ every­one she knows. Includ­ing ‘dog­gie Uuuna.’

Today Mama decid­ed to take a break and passed the torch to Dad­dy for the morn­ing rou­tine. Mabel saw this as the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to mock him, wait­ing until he fell asleep on the couch for a whole five min­utes to exe­cute her evil plan. Dad­dy has been fired. 

Dad­dy loves to tell Mabel made-up and ran­dom sto­ries about any­thing that pops into his mind. In said sto­ries, a com­mon char­ac­ter emerged (princess frog­gie). It did­n’t take Mabel long to real­ize that frog­gie is a ref­er­ence to her, so she decid­ed to tell Dad­dy sto­ries about froggie…and Noah. Hear for yourself. 

Mabel has found a new fash­ion acces­so­ry – mit­tens. She par­tic­u­lar­ly loves the Apple vari­ety, so for those of you who do not rec­og­nize these, they are iPod Socks meant to hold your old-school iPod. And so it begins…