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Mabel is always so hap­py — even when she’s des­per­ate­ly tired. This is a video of her at around 5pm after skip­ping both of her naps today. As you can see, she’s still not grumpy — but boy can she get loud! 

We can’t get her to say her own name to save our lives. 

Mama and Mabel love sit­ting out front in the after­noons and watch cars go by. I was for­tu­nate enough to be home one of these after­noons and watch them do this dai­ly rit­u­al. I par­tic­u­lar­ly loved watch­ing Mabel in her awe­some hat dig­ging dirt and giv­ing it to mama. Good times. 

Here’s a glimpse into Mabel’s world. 

So far, Mabel loves any­thing and every­thing even remote­ly his­pan­ic, includ­ing tor­tillas, gua­camole, beans (red or black), eggs, rice — even pico de gal­lo. Oh how she loves pico de gallo.