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Mama was in the kitchen bak­ing one day and turned her back to Mabel for a cou­ple of min­utes. When she returned, this is what she found. 

We have been falling way behind on our Mabel updates, so here are a cou­ple of videos of her doing her thing. 

She loves to col­or — on paper AND on walls. 

Mama got her this alli­ga­tor and Mabel absolute­ly loves it. She will drag it around for a bit, then stop and kiss it, and drags it behind her some more. 

Just ran­dom pho­tos of Mabel rockin’ some dif­fer­ent styles and chill­in’ at the doc­tor’s office. 

Bec­ca­’s test­ing a new organ­ic recipe with two of the most dis­cern­ing food­ies around. Mabel and her friend Lex­ie approve. 


Dad­dy could­n’t be prouder!