Long before Master Yoda trained Skywalker, there was an even more powerful Jedi. One who’s power came from deep within, and whose unconquerable spirit would live through the ages. Her name…was Cross-eyed Jedi. Beware! The force is strong with this one.
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Mabel and I got back from the playground and I mentioned I was thirsty. A few minutes later, I walked into the kitchen to find this.
We have clearly slowed down making new posts on here so here’s a few photos to catch us up a bit. Mabel is 6.5 yrs old right now. She has finished her Kindergarten years and is getting ready to go into 1st grade in two months. She has lost her very first tooth and the second one is well on its way to coming out as well. But above all, she remains the sweet, funny, sharp little girl she’s always been.
- Sitting under the umbrella with her friends Owen and Vivian.
- Proof Aunt Stephanie plays with Barbies.
- Aunt Stephanie and Natalie matching poses Mabel makes with the Barbie doll.
- Popsicle time w/ Natalie.
- She loves abuelo and abuela.
- Abuela getting her nails did.
- At the bookstore
- Silly face war with daddy!
- Posing after her ballet performance
- Mabel loses her very first tooth after biting into a carrot.
- Chalk bunny!
- Some things never change. Catracha digging into the chocolate cake wisk.
- Nom nom nom.
- At Dolores Park (one of the largest in the city) and she sits down to draw instead.
- Graduation day with Miss Toba and Miss Chamorro.
- Mabel’s kindergarten graduation class.
- Eating ice cream on the lawn for 4th of July celebrations
Back in December, when abuela and abuelo were visiting, Mabel graciously demonstrated her mad dance skills.
This year for Christmas, Abuelo and Abuela came to visit us from Honduras! It was so great to spend the holidays with them and show them around San Francisco. Mabel enjoyed having them here and was quite sad when they went home. We had so much fun that we kept forgetting to take photos.
- Becca photo-bombing at church. (Always so reverent.)
- Freezing our butts off at Lands End.
- Star Wars! (Abuela was hungry.)
- The blind leading the blind.
- Abuela blending in at China Town.
- At Super Duper burgers, waiting for our food.
- Opening presents!
- Abuela’s new shoes and socks!
- Plotting to make daddy build the entire thing on his own.
- Had we known the dumb dollhouse required this much assembly, we would’ve found a different one.
- Mabel poking the bear.
- In-n-Out, round 2.
- At the Legion of Honor museum
- Movie time!
- Abuela was mesmerized by Roomba, our vacuum.