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Long before Mas­ter Yoda trained Sky­walk­er, there was an even more pow­er­ful Jedi. One who’s pow­er came from deep with­in, and whose uncon­quer­able spir­it would live through the ages. Her name…was Cross-eyed Jedi. Beware! The force is strong with this one.

Mabel and I got back from the play­ground and I men­tioned I was thirsty. A few min­utes lat­er, I walked into the kitchen to find this.

We have clear­ly slowed down mak­ing new posts on here so here’s a few pho­tos to catch us up a bit. Mabel is 6.5 yrs old right now. She has fin­ished her Kinder­garten years and is get­ting ready to go into 1st grade in two months. She has lost her very first tooth and the sec­ond one is well on its way to com­ing out as well. But above all, she remains the sweet, fun­ny, sharp lit­tle girl she’s always been. 

Back in Decem­ber, when abuela and abue­lo were vis­it­ing, Mabel gra­cious­ly demon­strat­ed her mad dance skills.

This year for Christ­mas, Abue­lo and Abuela came to vis­it us from Hon­duras! It was so great to spend the hol­i­days with them and show them around San Fran­cis­co. Mabel enjoyed hav­ing them here and was quite sad when they went home. We had so much fun that we kept for­get­ting to take photos.