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I’ll let the pic­tures explain why.

Dad­dy and Mabel invent­ed a new game in which Dad­dy blows a piece of paper up in the air. As you can tell by the video, Dad­dy is very eas­i­ly amused and Mabel loves to help by blow­ing repeat­ed­ly show­ing Dad­dy how it’s done. We did this for about 20 min­utes before Dad­dy got dizzy and ran out of breath. Kids have a won­der­ful way of reveal­ing to you just how out of shape you are! 

She gets eas­i­ly dis­tract­ed by things around her and say­ing hi to any­thing that moves, but you get the idea.

This is a voice­mail that Mabel left uncle Greg ear­li­er today (unbe­known to us of course). As you can tell by the audio, she’s a talk­er. Much like her mama. 

Mabel and mama are mak­ing sure to take advan­tage of the short sum­mers in Min­neapo­lis by hit­ting the park almost every day. Mabel’s favorite activ­i­ty? Why the swings of course. She grins from ear to ear and demands “more” when she’s tak­en down. Very fun. 

PS. Mama made the bonnet