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We took Mabel to get her very first hair­cut today. Her hair was begin­ning to resem­ble a mop, so mama want­ed to get it shaped a lit­tle. So off we went to mama’s hair­dress­er Jim who fear­less­ly dove right in and start­ed snip­pin’ away. I think she looks very cute — but I’m a lit­tle biased. 

Mabel is “learn­ing to swim” at a local swim school, but more impor­tant­ly, she has learned to give a high-five when prompt­ed. She will soon find out that is a crit­i­cal social skill and will thank her par­ents pro­fuse­ly by becom­ing a Nobel prize-win­ning neu­ro-sur­geon who will buy her par­ents a man­sion in their old age. That’s how it works right? 

Mama bought Mabel this lit­tle cart a while back, but when it first got here, Mabel looked at it for a sec­ond and decid­ed the shiny object off the cor­ner of her eye was far more inter­est­ing. Late­ly, though, she has shown quite a bit more inter­est in the cart. 

Quick! Hide the phones! 

And so it begins. Appar­ent­ly some­one has been watch­ing mama very close­ly dur­ing the days. This smells like trou­ble to me. 

Mabel loves to play the “where’s Mabel” game. Mama and Dad­dy have used this to their advan­tage when they’re feel­ing lazy. If Mabel ever crawls out of sight, all we have to do is ask “where’s Mabel” and vio­la! She appears from around a cor­ner, behind a door, or a sofa. I won­der how long we can ride this wave? 

I should note, in this video, Mama was for­tu­nate enough to have the cam­era next to her to cap­ture this com­plete­ly spon­ta­neous game of “where’s Mabel.”