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Mabel has a spe­cial bond with her pho­tog­ra­ph­er Bill Raab. Bill is my old co-work­er at Larsen who has an incred­i­ble eye and abil­i­ty to cap­ture the most spe­cial moments. He shot Mabel when she was just 5 days old. Today, he shot her again now that she’s 1. He sent us this teas­er shot ear­li­er today — we can’t wait to see the rest. You rock Bill! 

You can see more of Bil­l’s work at Exposed To Light.

I think it would be an under­state­ment to say this past year with Mabel has been one nev­er-end­ing mir­a­cle! From her hum­ble begin­nings as a 5lb. 5oz baby to the still petite 18lbs 10oz lit­tle fire­ball that she is now, Mabel has brought noth­ing but joy into our home. Well, and a lit­tle bit of crazi­ness too of course. Mabel, thank you for bless­ing our lives. We love you. 

Mabel meets and imme­di­ate­ly falls in love with her new Cab­bage Patch Kid. Thanks Grandma!

Mabel loves to stand at the mir­ror and bounce and play, but what this video tru­ly cap­tures is Mabel’s cloth doll “Dol­ly” which she sleeps with and (as you can see on the video) likes to pick up and car­ry with her mouth.

Mabel loves it when abuela vis­its — she knows all the good tricks!