The abuelos came to visit Mabel and taught her some fun new tricks. To the day, she continues to make noise whenever you put your fingers up to her mouth. Very funny.
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Mabel has a very peculiar way of sitting. She first hones in on something she wants — then she proceeds to get on all fours, stick her bum up in the air as far as it will go, twist her little feet around (sometimes she will lick the floor in the process), and then finally, she will sit down. It’s a hoot.
(The video is a little long).
Mabel has recently learned how to sit all by herself — and she’s quite proud of this. She has also started flailing her little arms uncontrollably when she gets really excited. Mr. Miyagi would be proud. Wax-on Mabel!
Just a video of her eating all by herself.
“Yes, it’s a difficult life turning these little widgets round and round. Wait mama — not that way, this way!” (Mabel loves her jumper toy. It’s the only thing in this house that can keep up with her.)
Grandma brought Mabel this toy which she just loves — because it tastes good. The songs are a bonus.