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The abue­los came to vis­it Mabel and taught her some fun new tricks. To the day, she con­tin­ues to make noise when­ev­er you put your fin­gers up to her mouth. Very funny.

Mabel has a very pecu­liar way of sit­ting. She first hones in on some­thing she wants — then she pro­ceeds to get on all fours, stick her bum up in the air as far as it will go, twist her lit­tle feet around (some­times she will lick the floor in the process), and then final­ly, she will sit down. It’s a hoot. 

(The video is a lit­tle long). 

Mabel has recent­ly learned how to sit all by her­self — and she’s quite proud of this. She has also start­ed flail­ing her lit­tle arms uncon­trol­lably when she gets real­ly excit­ed. Mr. Miya­gi would be proud. Wax-on Mabel!

Just a video of her eat­ing all by herself. 

“Yes, it’s a dif­fi­cult life turn­ing these lit­tle wid­gets round and round. Wait mama — not that way, this way!” (Mabel loves her jumper toy. It’s the only thing in this house that can keep up with her.)

Grand­ma brought Mabel this toy which she just loves — because it tastes good. The songs are a bonus.