I don’t think these photos need any more explanation.
- Before…
- After
I don’t think these photos need any more explanation.
Mabel has a thing for my tie — not just any tie, mind you! My favorite tie…or should I say her favorite tie. Sigh.
Target bag meets Mabel. The beginnings of a new friendship that will last a lifetime I’m sure.
Mabel tries coconut water for the first time.
She’s officially 8 months and we have officially hit a new stage. She is pretty much mobile now as she has figured out how to commando-crawl her way around the house. She still hasn’t quite figured out her legs and will chase her foot around trying to get to her sock (it’s really quite funny). But I think my favorite is still seeing how happy she gets to be with her mama. She will kick her little legs and shake her arms and screech. Very fun.