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I don’t think these pho­tos need any more explanation.

Mabel has made a few key dis­cov­er­ies since she learned that she can move around a bit, but per­haps the most impor­tant one has been her toy basket. 

Mabel has a thing for my tie — not just any tie, mind you! My favorite tie…or should I say her favorite tie. Sigh. 

Tar­get bag meets Mabel. The begin­nings of a new friend­ship that will last a life­time I’m sure.

Mabel tries coconut water for the first time. 

She’s offi­cial­ly 8 months and we have offi­cial­ly hit a new stage. She is pret­ty much mobile now as she has fig­ured out how to com­man­do-crawl her way around the house. She still has­n’t quite fig­ured out her legs and will chase her foot around try­ing to get to her sock (it’s real­ly quite fun­ny). But I think my favorite is still see­ing how hap­py she gets to be with her mama. She will kick her lit­tle legs and shake her arms and screech. Very fun.