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Mabel always smiles and laughs when she’s sit­ting on dad­dy. Don’t know why, but she loves it. Recent­ly she dis­cov­ered dad­dy’s awe­some eye­brows (’cause every­thing on dad­dy is just awe­some any­ways) and start­ed pulling at them. When she under­stood they were attached, she sim­ply leaned over and tried to eat them — nat­u­ral­ly. I mean…what else would you do? 

Mabel’s day con­sists of a lot of sleep­ing, a lot of play­time, and a lot of eat­ing — I’m jeal­ous on all three counts. She has recent­ly dis­cov­ered that she can screech if she tries real­ly hard, and when­ev­er she gets excit­ed she’ll spaz out and flail her arms uncontrollably.

Los días de Mabel con­sis­ten en dormir, jugar y com­er el día entero. Hace unos días se dio cuen­ta que si hace un buen esfuer­zo puede sacarse unos chill­i­dos de miedo, pero lo chis­toso en real­i­dad es ver­la cuan­do se emo­ciona ya que mueve las man­i­tas y se pega en la bar­ri­ga de la emo­ción. Parece loquita!

We dis­cov­ered she loves man­gos and avo­ca­dos like all good Hon­durans! Way to go Mabelita! 

Hard to believe it but Mabel is now 6 months old. What a won­der­ful bless­ing she has been to us, and oh how much we are enjoy­ing her sweet spir­it in our home. She likes to “talk” a lot these days, though I rarely get to hear her because I’m usu­al­ly at work. 

She is just now begin­ning to show signs of want­i­ng to move around — which is both excit­ing and pet­ri­fy­ing at the same time. She loves to be held and always protests when we put her down, but then quick­ly becomes enthralled by some­thing on the floor or else­where and set­tles down. And final­ly, she soothes her­self by stick­ing her two mid­dle fin­gers on her left hand into her mouth. She’s so much fun.