Mabel was Glenda the Good Witch for Halloween last year. This year, she announced she wants to be “Darth Vader and mama and daddy can be my soldiers.” Good to know where we fit in her mind.
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Playing catchup to a lot of videos we haven’t uploaded. This one’s from July 2014.
We went to the farmer’s market in Embarcadero on a Saturday and Mabel heard this busker doing his thing. After dropping a dollar in his tip jar, she stood there and just couldn’t contain her dancies! Her little latina comes out every once in a while. 🙂
Mabel loves to dress up. Often she will walk into the room wearing the funniest things…like this ballerina tutu around her neck. Some of them are definitely worth of capturing on video – this is one of them.
This video is from May 2014. We were still living in Noe Valley where it was much sunnier than where we are now. This is a “typical” conversation with Mabel, followed by a challenging game of “I Spy.”