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Mabel was Glen­da the Good Witch for Hal­loween last year. This year, she announced she wants to be “Darth Vad­er and mama and dad­dy can be my sol­diers.” Good to know where we fit in her mind. 

Play­ing catchup to a lot of videos we haven’t uploaded. This one’s from July 2014. 

We went to the farmer’s mar­ket in Embar­cadero on a Sat­ur­day and Mabel heard this busker doing his thing. After drop­ping a dol­lar in his tip jar, she stood there and just could­n’t con­tain her dan­cies! Her lit­tle lati­na comes out every once in a while. 🙂


Mabel loves to dress up. Often she will walk into the room wear­ing the fun­ni­est things…like this bal­le­ri­na tutu around her neck. Some of them are def­i­nite­ly worth of cap­tur­ing on video – this is one of them.


This video is from May 2014. We were still liv­ing in Noe Val­ley where it was much sun­nier than where we are now. This is a “typ­i­cal” con­ver­sa­tion with Mabel, fol­lowed by a chal­leng­ing game of “I Spy.”