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Ever since mov­ing to San Fran­cis­co, our lives have become insane­ly busy. While Rebec­ca and I are still try­ing to find bal­ance here, Mabel has embraced and con­quered the city. At least, it seems that way. She teach­es us so much about find­ing joy in every­thing we do. That said, here are some pho­tos I’ve been mean­ing to post but have fall­en way behind on.

Today is Sat­ur­day, and that means Dad­dy and Mabel get to play Legos togeth­er. It’s prob­a­bly my favorite thing to do with her, and it’s always cute to walk into a room where she has orga­nized all the Legos in rows – one row of toys for her, and one row of toys for me. 

I am always hap­py to see her cre­ations and imag­i­na­tion at play. She’s quite detailed (as you can see here) and is always mak­ing fun­ny lit­tle things. My favorite in this video is the heli­copter with wheels! 

As you can imag­ine, cre­ativ­i­ty is an impor­tant part of our lives, and we encour­age Mabel’s cre­ativ­i­ty wher­ev­er pos­si­ble. She is con­stant­ly imag­in­ing new things, mak­ing up songs and sto­ries, build­ing things with Legos (awe­some), dress­ing up, etc. It is so reward­ing for us to see her devel­op her curios­i­ty, and of course, I’m proud as any dad­dy can be. That said, I fig­ured it would be good to cap­ture some of it here.

Hap­py Thanks­giv­ing everyone! 

Today, we drove down to Moun­tain View, CA for a Thanks­giv­ing din­ner at Uncle Greg’s and Aunt Mindy’s house. We had a great time stuff­ing our faces with all kinds of deli­cious food and then feel­ing sor­ry for our­selves because we could­n’t walk any­more. But I think it is fair to say that there was nobody there who had a bet­ter time than Mabel did. I’ll let you judge for yourselves: 

Fly­ing Monkeys

Shake It Like a Polaroid!