It seems like we have done a really poor job of posting on here lately. I’m guessing a lot of it has to do with being in school, moving to a new place, finding a new job, and planning a new move to San Francisco. Crazy times! Needless to say, we have many photos that need to be put up here but that will require some time to sit and sort through them first. In the meantime, some quick updates:
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Mabel loves painting. She will go through pages and pages of paintings and mixing colors around. It’s really fun to watch her.
We have been busy moving from our house to our new apartment, so the posts have slowed to a trickle. Here is a quick photo update to help right this terrible wrong.
I’m honestly not sure who is enjoying this most – Mabel or mama? Though I do have my suspicions.
Mabel truly enjoys going to her preschool. It really doesn’t dawn on me that she’s growing up and making new friends, and learning new things until I see her put on her uniform and backpack (and don’t forget her “sparkly baseball shoes”) to go to “school.”