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It seems like we have done a real­ly poor job of post­ing on here late­ly. I’m guess­ing a lot of it has to do with being in school, mov­ing to a new place, find­ing a new job, and plan­ning a new move to San Fran­cis­co. Crazy times! Need­less to say, we have many pho­tos that need to be put up here but that will require some time to sit and sort through them first. In the mean­time, some quick updates: 

Mabel loves paint­ing. She will go through pages and pages of paint­ings and mix­ing col­ors around. It’s real­ly fun to watch her.

We have been busy mov­ing from our house to our new apart­ment, so the posts have slowed to a trick­le. Here is a quick pho­to update to help right this ter­ri­ble wrong. 

I’m hon­est­ly not sure who is enjoy­ing this most – Mabel or mama? Though I do have my suspicions. 

Mabel tru­ly enjoys going to her preschool. It real­ly does­n’t dawn on me that she’s grow­ing up and mak­ing new friends, and learn­ing new things until I see her put on her uni­form and back­pack (and don’t for­get her “spark­ly base­ball shoes”) to go to “school.”