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We try to bake some­thing every week, at least. Tra­di­tion­al­ly, Fri­day night is piz­za night (home­made). At the time the dough needs to rest briefly, Mabel announced the dough was napping. 

I think her favorite part was adding the oregano.

Tonight I was so proud because I actu­al­ly pre­pared a fun set of appe­tiz­ers for some friends. I con­coct­ed a fruit dip (whipped cream, sour cream mixed with home­made pineap­ple-hon­ey jam). That on top of actu­al­ly mak­ing empanadas, putting out match­ing dish­es for the first time since Mabel’s birth. 

Ummm…the friends for­got. So, unchar­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly, I real­ized I could be hap­py for the free time, and do some see­ing. Which I did. 🙂

This new dress for Mabel beats the pants off my yum­my dip. 🙂 I am a proud mama. Thanks to my mama for teach­ing me to sew. 



As a mama, these past two years have gone fast. I look at videos and pic­tures from pre­ced­ing days/months and I can’t hard­ly relate. I am for­tu­nate to be here with Mabel near­ly all moments of her life, so I sup­pose I am immune to the dai­ly changes, as I expe­ri­ence each one with her. 

At her two-year check-up, poor lit­tle Mabel had dropped to the 5th per­centile for weight. She is 23 pounds sol­id. Only 15 ounces more than she was six months ear­li­er (at her pre­vi­ous check-up). With the roller-coast­er of the gluten issues, her weight has cer­tain­ly tak­en a hit. Regard­less, we are hap­py to have such a hap­py girl!

Being two, she got to have two friends over: Lex­ie and Eliz­a­beth. Could there be a more per­fect video to express their per­son­al­i­ties? What a won­der­ful mem­o­ry for us to be cap­tured on video (thanks to Lex­ie’s mama).

I laughed [hys­ter­i­cal­ly] as abuela would tell me sto­ries of when David was a baby. He seemed to throw his bot­tle at abue­lo and abue­la’s heads when he was ready to wake up. He liked to strip down his dia­per and run around nakey (don’t all tod­dlers??). He was a curi­ous lit­tle boy with fun sto­ries to hear. 

But, a few came to life…for our lit­tle girl. First, Mabel decid­ed to be nakey yes­ter­day, then found her boots to put on (boots! on! help! please!). I need­ed to go to the garage for a minute, so she patient­ly sat by the door while I went out­side. As I came in, she was walk­ing a lit­tle fun­ny. I asked what’s wrong, and she said “Owie pee-pee!” I checked and sure enough, she had peed—but, it ran into her boots. So, her boots were sop­ping and she was walk­ing with a “squich–squich” sound—just as I always imag­ined it when I heard the sto­ry of her daddy.

This after­noon, she woke up cry­ing a lit­tle from her nap. I went in there, and the smell hit me first. As I approach her, she announces she has a po-po. I pick her up, and her bum is bare beneath her night­gown (odd!). As I lay her down, I find the dia­per at the foot of her night­gown, with popo smeared every­where. Ummm…then I real­ize it’s on her hands. Gross! I attempt to repair the dam­age, etc. As I’m clean­ing up, I notice the sheets. Oh, no! She had man­aged to find the open­ing for the seat­belt in her night­gown. And final­ly, I see the cheeks. Yes, the popo on the cheeks. As I began to clean her cheeks, she announces “Yucky! Popo cheeks!” Yes, I would have wok­en up cry­ing, too. I always imag­ined David smeared it on his face more…I hope he had more con­trol like Mabel. She clear­ly did­n’t enjoy it as soon as she fig­ured there was a smell to it.

Mabel has quite a fond­ness for both mama’s and dad­dy’s iPhone. And, because mama’s has a big crack across the front, she even knows which one belongs to whom! *sigh* Today, while fill­ing up Mabel’s tub for her bath, I heard her mum­ble “mama’s phone.” When I go to find her for her bath, she is down­stairs duti­ful­ly play­ing with my phone. All while chant­i­ng “mama’s phone, mama’s phone,” of course. 

As I relat­ed the sto­ry to David, he said the same thing hap­pened this morn­ing while I was in the show­er. To date, that I know of, she has called Uncle Greg, Mrs. Mueller (Lex­ie’s mama), and a few attempt­ed inter­na­tion­al calls. I put a lock on the phone, and she man­aged to dial 991. Real­ly???? One alter­nate key stroke and I’d be in seri­ous trou­ble! This girl has man­aged to out­smart me (not that it’s the first time). But, of course, we real­ly cred­it Apple for mak­ing a prod­uct so intu­itive, even a child can use it. 🙂

Below are the screen shot pho­tos she man­aged to take today. She also delet­ed a few icons. I haven’t fig­ured out which ones just yet…